Free Growing Tomatoes Course

Start with Simple Changes


Adjusting to a healthy lifestyle begins with small habits, compounded over time. Drink more water, eat more fruits & vegetables, get enough sleep, and taking time for yourself are great places to start. Check out our articles, videos, and full courses for more information and support.

Ultimate Health with God's Logic Program

There are so many fad diets out there, and the problem is that they simply don't work in the long term.Ā  Why?Ā  Because most are not following biblical principles set out by God and outlined for us in scripture.Ā  Join theĀ Ultimate Health Movement where we guide you step by step through simple adjustments to how you look at food, your food choices, and what it takes to truly find health through God's plan.


Blog Articles

If you are a more analytical learner and like to read articles, we offer a wide range of choices on our favorite topics plus recipes, how-to's, and science behind what makes certain foods more healthy than others.  Herbs, living foods, healthy habits, kitchen hacks, and our feature "Homemade Groceries Series" are just a few of the topics you'll find here.

Learn More

Free 21 Day Challenge

Join us on our guided 21 Day Healthy Habit Challenge to help you make better healthy choices in your lifestyle and diet.  We share our personal experiences with trends that work and those that don't...and why.  Over the next several weeks, you will have our support and encouragement if you are needing the accountability of a guided plan to get started on your journey.  Daily messages sent through Facebook.

Learn More

Pre-Order Our NEW Book Today!

Previously released as "The Theologenic Diet", you can now order this popular resource and achieve Ultimate Health, all by following the simple steps shared in each chapter to transform your life and your health using biblical principles...and backed by science!

Stop "dieting" and start living a purpose-driven life filled with health, joy, and abundance.

Reserve your copy today and discover these "Simple Scriptural Secrets to Losing Weight and Feeling Great!"

Click below to order your copy (and grab some extra copies for your friends and family too!)


They say that it takes 21 days to create a habit and what better habits to start than healthy ones?

Start today in this


We'll send you a new tip every day with guidance, encouragement, and powerful results!

Take the 21 Day Healthy Habit Challenge!

Blog Articles:

Balancing Body, Lifestyle, and Mind: Your Guide to Ultimate Health ...

Embrace God's Guidance for Holistic Health and Abundant Living

Swedish Bitters- The Bitter Truth

Garden Planning (Part 3): Common Mistakes