Fall Gardening

in the garden

Summer is coming to a close here in the Ozarks as the kiddos head back to school and the evenings start to get cooler.  We’re moving into my favorite time of year when we can enjoy beautiful days, crisp air, and stunning colors of nature.  Fall is such a beautiful time of year!  Here on the homestead, we’ve been planting our fall garden.  Summer crops like tomatoes, peppers, okra, and squash are still going strong yet as the days get cooler, we carefully adjust our gardening focus to capitalize on the change for cool-loving crops.  What you plant in your area depends on where you live and when you can expect your first hard frost.  For us, we generally anticipate frost to arrive sometime around the middle of October, giving us plenty of growing time for a variety of crops.

Some of our favorite fall garden crops include:

Cabbage Family:  Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, and Kale

Root Crops:  Carrots, Beets, Turnips, Kohlrabi

Green Beans (Bush Varieties):  Plant about 60 days before first expected frost.

Peas:  Plant about 12 weeks before first expected frost.

Greens:  Lettuce, Spinach, Arugula, Chard:  Plant about 9 weeks before expected frost.

Herbs:  Dill, Mint, Basil, and Cilantro

We’re also going to try another round of cucumbers in case the first frost is delayed somewhat, in hopes of a big enough crop for another batch (or more) of dill pickles.

If you don’t have space for a garden, try container gardening.  You can grow a wide variety of crops in pots including herbs, root vegetables, and squash.  With container growing, you can even sometimes bring the plants into the garage or out of the weather when the weather gets colder and the risk of frost is in the forecast, thus extending your growing season even further!

With the price of organic groceries always on the rise, we love getting a great fall harvest to enjoy throughout the fall and winter months until spring sunshine starts the new growing year.  So give fall gardening a try and enjoy Healthy Homestead Living!

God Bless.

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